
The Master Of The Clean Lines

Oh Mr. Wright, you have done it again.



I found myself fall into madness/The best thing I ever did was let go

It starts out with a question: How much of it is real?


Can You Guess?

I'll give you a hint. It's something normally found in a bathroom.


Happy Birthday

Today is a special day. For those of you who don't know, today is Britt's birthday!!!! She's a pretty special lady and deserves every delicious bite of that pear tart. Happy birthday, darling!


Cabo Frio

If you want to see some of the most gorgeous beaches and prettiest water, then the place for you is definitely Cabo Frio. I feel like I sound like a travel writer. Not my intention. Just thought I would share an absolute FACT. Have a good weekend!


I Dub Thee Lunch

You can tell I haven't had lunch yet, because I'm dreaming of food. This was lunch in Thailand: ramen noodle soup and cha-yen (Thai iced tea). I'm hungry just thinking about it. Off to find some food!



Sometimes green things jump out in attack you. It's scary. Trust me.


La Poste

This was my post office in Rochefort. A perfect example of why I love France. Most cities in the US would have a really boring post office, but not the French, oh no. They don't do anything halfway.



This picture is not particularly awesome. But Paris is a particularly awesome, so I'll let it slide. This time.


Has A Swan Ever Mooned You?

I know I wasn't expecting it. If a swan does it, then it's ok for everyone to do it, right?


Hampton Court

As previously mentioned, Hampton Court exhibits all the decadence that one expects from a royal palace. Excessive wealth, you do not disappoint!


Road To Nowhere

I wonder with this road will lead. I suppose one can never know where a particular road will take us.


Eyes To The Ground

The best man-hole cover ever. It also reminds me of something out of Japanese anime.


Post-Birthday World

The day after your birthday is so bittersweet. I have lost my get-out-of-jail-free card for another year.

I feel like this picture requires a bit of explanation. My two co-leaders, Brandon and Timur, got up at 6AM (even though wake-up was at 7:30) and went to Dunkin' Donuts to get coffee and donuts for everyone. I walked into breakfast and everyone shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" and this donut was practically on fire with candles. By the time I blew it out it was pretty much a pool of wax. I'm a little ashamed to say that I still ate most of the donut. Pretty much the best birthday surprise ever.

On a somewhat related note: How much would it suck to be born on the 29th of February? You would only get an actual birthday every 4 years. Lame!


The Big 25

It is that time of year again where I get eat as much cake as I can stuff into my mouth and no one can SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT. It's pretty much my favorite day ever. I mean, who doesn't love cake?

I'm feeling a little ambivalent about this birthday. A quarter century is a long time to be alive. Some people would say that qualifies me to be an adult. I certainly hope not, but rental car companies certainly seem to think so. Luckily they don't know that I've never owned my own car. Well, what they don't know can't hurt them... too much.



Really? You don't think that is cute. What is wrong with you? I don't know if we can be friends anymore.



Ah, Chartres, the perfect example of how the French are allergic to pronouncing the last three letters of any word.


Love Birds

Never a snuggle without prying eyes.


Arthur's Seat

Endless possibilities ahead.


Surfin' Brasileiro

I need to learn how to surf.


Written In Flowers

I wish someone would make a sign for me made out of flowers. How cool would that be?


Ice Tree

Emotions are like ice. After a storm they stick to you and it can be difficult sometimes to see what is really part of you and what is the product of all those emotional attachments. Guess I'll have to wait until spring to thaw.


Hungry Hungry Hippos

While this picture may look like it was taken on an African safari, actually it was taken at the zoo in Thailand. Same thing, right?


The Fence

I'm on the fence. Don't really know which school I want to go to. There are pros and cons to each.

Today I get to see Anna. Exciting!


Happy March

It's the month of my birthday! So clearly it is the best month of the year. Here's hoping that I'm not full of hot air.

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