
Unexpected Deliciousness

This picture and the one from yesterday were both taken at the Art Institute's Terzo Piano restaurant. The restaurant is located, ironically enough (not really, but come on) on the third floor of the brand new modern wing. They serve appropriately obscure and artistically plated food for an art museum restaurant. I ordered this dish, betting on the fact that despite the weird combination the food would still be delicious. It was even better. I want to go back and order fish puree with tempera fried Meyer lemons all over again. Yes you heard me right. The white fish puree was salty and tangy, a perfect complete to the sweet and tart Meyer lemon slices that were fried crunchy tempura-style. I had never had a Meyer lemon before, so I was a little skeptical, but my-oh-my, this was pretty much the best thing since, like, ever. It's also the kind of thing that I could never make for myself even if I really wanted to, so for now it will just have to live in the infamy of my mind and the reminder of this picture.

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