
Dancing Shrimp Salad

In Thailand, there was this market that took place everyday in the street behind our research building. One day I went with one of the Thai students to look for my dinner. (Market food is the best in Thailand.) After inspecting the many fruits and vegetables, and carts of soup, and piles of noodles, I came across this bag of shrimp salad. Except there was something wrong. These shrimp were still moving. They were still alive!

Now I try to have an open mind about food in foreign countries, and I am not a vegetarian, by any means. But I usually draw the line at eating live food. I pointed this shrimp salad out to my friend and she replied, "I don't like these shrimp. They dance on my tongue!"

From then on, I have thought of this as dancing shrimp salad, and I'm a little sad that I didn't try it.

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