

What! A post on a Saturday! What nonsense is this? Well, this is a farewell. I bid you adieu for the next few months, May, June, July, and August, to be precise. The next couple of weeks will be filled with traveling and last minute ventures. The summer will be spent leading a bike trip across the country, so unfortunately that means I will not have time to post everyday. In other news, I have been cheating on this blog with a new one: Bike & Build & Be Awesome. The new one will have pictures and random anecdotes from my summer adventures. I know this will be a loss, four whole months of empty, but I will return triumphantly in September with new pictures and esoteric comments.



I have never been afraid of flying. It's not a totally pleasant sensation, changing altitude that quickly, but sometimes you just have to grin and bear it. I have a lot to do in the next couple of days, and not really enough time to do it all. I guess I'll just have to grin and bear it, like always.


Drinks Like A Fish

Most fish swim, but at Simon's they've got better things to do than pretend to enjoy living in a fishbowl. There are cocktails to drink, weird hats to wear, and neon signs to be immortalized in.



I spent three hours tonight going through several bins full of my stuff that has been sitting in my parents basement for almost two years now. I was planning on being ruthless, showing no mercy. If haven't needed it in two years, so why can't I just throw it away? Well, the short answer is that I'm a pansy and a pack rat. I keep absolutely everything on the premise that I will need it someday. And often when that day comes I forget that I already have it, so I got buy a new one. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I also have ungodly amounts of clothing. Certainly makes one think twice about buying more when I already have several boxes of different wardrobe options. Lastly, I have such a hard time parting with mementos. I have probably close to twenty t-shirts that I don't wear anymore, but can't bear to throw away because of the memories attached to them. At the same time, how much do I really think about those t-shirts when they spend all their time at the bottom of a box? Clearly I need to learn how to quilt and make a blanket or some of kind of useful object that will get used often enough to justify my continuing stewardship. Old possessions beware: I will judging you.


Hole In The Trees

Pack it, don't snack it.

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