

I spent three hours tonight going through several bins full of my stuff that has been sitting in my parents basement for almost two years now. I was planning on being ruthless, showing no mercy. If haven't needed it in two years, so why can't I just throw it away? Well, the short answer is that I'm a pansy and a pack rat. I keep absolutely everything on the premise that I will need it someday. And often when that day comes I forget that I already have it, so I got buy a new one. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I also have ungodly amounts of clothing. Certainly makes one think twice about buying more when I already have several boxes of different wardrobe options. Lastly, I have such a hard time parting with mementos. I have probably close to twenty t-shirts that I don't wear anymore, but can't bear to throw away because of the memories attached to them. At the same time, how much do I really think about those t-shirts when they spend all their time at the bottom of a box? Clearly I need to learn how to quilt and make a blanket or some of kind of useful object that will get used often enough to justify my continuing stewardship. Old possessions beware: I will judging you.

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