

What! A post on a Saturday! What nonsense is this? Well, this is a farewell. I bid you adieu for the next few months, May, June, July, and August, to be precise. The next couple of weeks will be filled with traveling and last minute ventures. The summer will be spent leading a bike trip across the country, so unfortunately that means I will not have time to post everyday. In other news, I have been cheating on this blog with a new one: Bike & Build & Be Awesome. The new one will have pictures and random anecdotes from my summer adventures. I know this will be a loss, four whole months of empty, but I will return triumphantly in September with new pictures and esoteric comments.

1 comment:

  1. Alessandra Maciel do NascimentoMay 15, 2011 1:47 PM

    Hiii Andrea!!!!
    I finally found you! It´s Ale (Araraquara/Brazil). I've been trying to contact you for some months! Do you remeber I've told you I'd like to go to the US on my vacations? So, It will hapen! I'm going on May 29th to NY untill June 4th. Then I'll go to Orlando (Disney) for 10 days and the end will be in Miami for 4 days! My flight back will be in June 18th. I really would like to see you my friend! It has been long time ago that we didn't talk anymore!
    About your letter in this website, I'm a little sad because I probably won't have an answer from you in time to plan something in Florida to visit you.
    Well, I hope you are fine! As soon as you can please send me an e-mail: alemn86@yahoo.com.br
    My facebook: Alessandra Maciel do Nascimento
    I wish you all the best!
    I miss youu girl!!! haha
    Beijos AlĂȘ
