
Sunshine In The Beer Garden

Dreaming of Spain this morning. Could this have to do with exhaustion or the fact that my roommate here reminds me of Carmen? Except she's from Mexico instead of Spain.


Holyrood House

So tired. Sorry I missed Friday, so here's something for Saturday.


Spinning Silk

You spin me right round, baby/Right round like a record, baby/Right round round round


War On The Sky

Does the sight of gas cans make you nervous? Because it makes me a little nervous. That American flag better watch itself. Canada and Michigan might get together and start a skirmish... Just saying.



Silly winter. It's the middle of the afternoon and yet daylight is almost over.


Hole In The Sky

Sometimes I feel like I'm missing something, but I don't know what that thing is. Right now I suspect that thing is sleep. Or perhaps it is a sense of purpose– although, in theory, I already have some upcoming activities to give me purpose. Whatever it is, this feeling of malcontent needs to end. Soon.


Father-Daughter Date

Because I'm such an adorable daughter – and because I like to brag about all the adorable things I do, I decided as a Christmas present this year that I would invite my dad out for a father-daughter date. We decided to go to an Ethiopian restaurant to have lunch. Ethiopian food has the distinction of being both incredible delicious and also incredibly fun to eat. You tear of a little piece of this spongy sourdough-like bread and you use that as makeshift pita or taco or insert your favorite bread wrap, to eat your food in place of utensils. Add that to some spicy-sauced beef and some tabbouleh-like lentil dishes and you've got a hit.


When The Water Left

The tides on the western coast of France are ridiculous. The water recedes for what seems like miles, in actually probably only half a mile – but that's still really far! The tide goes out so far that boats left in the harbor sit on the sand. Atlantic Ocean, you minx, stop being such a tease.


We Used To Vacation

Dreaming of taking a vacation.



There is no love like the love between a nymph and her forest deer friend.


The Flowers They Carried

So I have decided that I will no longer be posting on the weekends. Mostly because I am too lazy to post Every Single Day. I will try to get it up before two in the afternoon... yea I have no excuse for that one.

Happy Valentines Day!


Parade Of Sail

It's always more fun to be at the start of a parade and make everyone else follow the leader.


Fickle Pharoahs

Back from the land of the sun.


Lone Observer

Last picture of the snow. I swear. It also happens to be my favorite.


Sunset On Snow

The best part of the day was sunset, even though the temperature dropped sharply once the sun went down. Sunset is a magically time to be walking around on any day, but with everything covered in snow, the whole city seemed to glow.


Take To The Streets

The streets became pedestrian pathways that had been cleared by stampede of people. The cars were all snowed in, so everyone had to walk outside for once. I have never seen so many people milling around on the street talking to each other. It is kind of sad that it takes a force of nature to get people to use their feet instead of their cars.


Snow Tree

The trees dealt with the blizzard better than most.



One thing that struck me about the day after the storm was the quiet. Normally there is a lot of ambient noise in the city from cars and people, and even the lake makes its own sounds. After the blizzard the streets were so filled with snow that no cars could drive and the lake froze. The result: silence.


Snow Day

We got 20 inches of snow on Tuesday and the city was declared to be in a state of emergency. That means one thing: SNOW DAY!

I spent a good portion of the day wading around in snow that almost reached the tops of my legs. The lake also froze over as far as the eye can see and is now covered in snow, which is crazy.

In honor of the snowpocalypse, and to celebrate the fact that I am living it up in Miami at the moment, I will post a new picture each day that I took from the aftermath of the storm. It is ironic that I am in Florida right after a blizzard. Growing up in Florida meant that we never had any snow, and therefore no snow days. We had hurricane days instead. To each their own.



Early morning stroll on the boardwalk.


Undying Love In The Lake District

I like to think that the couple standing there on that hill are declaring their love for each other. Probably not, but it would still make a great photo to show the grand kids. Hey remember when we were in hiking in Lake District and you had to stop me while my boots were soaking wet to declare your undying love? Yea, that was a great day.

Sappy much? Maybe.


James Dean Says Happy February

Who doesn't love James Dean? He's a rebel without a cause.

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